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Monday, April 18, 2011

My Miss Hannah

Oh Lordie... when does it end? Hannah came down with a feve yesterday. At one point yesterday, I heard a horsey sound in her voice. Later on, she came to me very tired, unusual for her. She felt warm and soon began the coughing and runny nose.
So she is home today, feeling a bit better and pretty board. Still running a mild fever, but better for her to be home than to be out and about risking getting worse.

We are headed out to the store for a few and I mean few items desperatly needed. After that... well hopefully some lunch and a bit of down time before Sarah comes home.

Need to make an appointment for Hannah as well to see a Cardiologist, make an appointment for Sarah to see her Orthotist, and send a few emails out to Sarah's teacher, therapist and to her support coordinator as well as one to our HOA.

I will get it done. I will get it done. I WILL get it done!

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