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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hello there!

Ok... so here I am.... working on keeping things up and running. Any updates for Miss Sarah can now be found on her page. So this will be a trial and error type of thing, but once I get the notches worked out.... it should be running smoothly.

Well things with the girls have been going rather good. Sarah being bussed to school has been the best thing that has happened in such a long time. I am S-L-O-W-L-Y finding so much more time to get things caught up around here, get on a good schedule and not feel so damn burned out both mentally and physically all the time. School for Sarah has been running so sooo smooth. It frees up so much more time with Hannah. We still have our good days and our bad, but I am slowly seeing Hannah so much more happier. I am not having to ride her butt each and every day like I had before.

Darin has been working alot, thank goodness. He was out of town for a total of 3 weeks. Financially that will help us out so much. But since I am finding more time, I am going to conquer once again the notion to look for work. Ideally something at home. So I am doing lots of looking and seeing what is out there. Hopefully I can find a legit at home job where I can set my own hours. If that goes well, then just to get out of the house, break up the monotony, maybe even super part time work in the evenings. Its all a work in progress.

So that is the latest and greatest with us for now!

Have a wonderful day!!!!!! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Once again I am here

Ok.... so I am once again trying to make this a regular thing, posting and such.

Its been very crazy since I last posted. Sarah left LIFE after being there since 2007. It was such a hard decision, but there were so many factors to leaving. The main one is that she needed to be more challenged. I feel as though she finally hit a point where she is able to learn so much more than she will show us. She is doing so well in so many areas.

Currently, she is opening up to more receptive language, meaning, when we ask her a question or tell her something, she will do it, if she chooses, or respond in a verbal way. She is taking sips from her sippy cup, with water and with her blended diet. She is allowing teeth brushing, she is getting better with her fine motor skills while using the IPad. Thanks to my brother for getting us one to use for her. She is even making progress with potty training. She rides the bus to and from school and comes home soo soo happy!!! The down side is she is having more seizures lately. We are waiting to hear back from the doctors office on doing an at home EEG monitoring and will be slowly changing med. Other than that things are good.

Hannah, well, she is doing so well too! Getting mostly A's and B's in school. Math is ok, but other than that, her grades are great. She won a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut by meeting her AR goal. She is back into swimming and hopefully she will pass to Advanced Stroke. Next month I am hoping to get her into an singing/acting class... I have seen some things similar to comedy fun shows that I know she would love to do.

That's it for now!