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Hannahs Page

Here is my Miss Hannah's page.

Our Miss Hannah 

Well here it is..... MISS HANNAH'S PAGE!

A little history about Hannah. Hannah 8 1/2 years old and has a twin sister Sarah.

From the moment Hannah was born, I could see this wide eyed girl excited to be here and start living her life. Hannah has ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS been a ray of light to not just us, but to her family, friends and all that know her.

She is so funny, so full of energy, so incredible smart, so intuitive, and soo dang beautiful too. Hannah has many friends and makes them and all of us laugh and keeps everyone on their toes constantly.

Hannah loves school, loves being the center of attention, and she has very wonderful grades.... almost always she gets A's and B's. However, with her sense of silliness.... sometimes she gets NI's (needs improvement) on listening.... but I think its because the goofiness gets the best of her.

Hannah is not only my daughter, but at times, and yes some of you may disagree with this, but she is my friend. She is my rock when I am having a bad day. She becomes almost a momma hen to me. For a moment or few moments, she becomes this older and wiser person, wanting to make me happy if I am down. She is compassionate and loving to me. She has such a sense of unconditional love that is unexplained. With her loving ways and her humor, this girl has gotten me through my darkest days. With out her, giving me light, love and laughter, I don't know where I would be.

She is so understanding, kind, loyal, so compassionate to not just her sister, but to others who may have special needs or have disabilities. She roots for the underdogs. She LOVES the ones on shows who are ridiculed just because they are a different race, or religion, or just different. She always says those things should not matter, its who you are and what is in your heart that what matters. Hannah always welcomes new people with open arms, even if they have hurt her. She is too giving at times and eaislly gets her feeling hurt. She is soo soo very sensitive and I try hard to teach her to stick up for herself in a positive way. She listens and most of the time it works. She is getting so much better at putting her foot down, but sometimes she gets a bit carried away. She can get a bit to bossy and overbearing, but I want for her to learn from this and find her happy medium. For the most part she is doing so incredible well with this.

I call her my lunatic, my crazy woman, my bucket of love, sometimes I call her Henry when she gets to crazy and starts acting like a boy. She loves all these names and even calls herself these at times.... all in the name of  humor.... keeping things real.... keeping life light.

Keep in touch..... there is so much more to come!

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